EEA Asbestos Training and Certification Programs

Important Asbestos Resources

Nine asbestos training courses are offered. Environmental Education Associates is accredited by the New York State Department of Health under approval from the USEPA. Each asbestos certification course requires an annual refresher, which varies in length according to discipline. EEA offers competitive pricing, group rates, union member discounts, and both off- and on-site training across New York.

This accreditation allows us to present asbestos certification training programs in New York State to those who are conducting or intend to conduct asbestos-containing materials (ACM) related activities. Our program meets the New York State Department of Labor and US Environmental Protection Agency requirements for certification.

Those who complete an accredited New York State Health Department asbestos certification training program are eligible to apply to the New York State Department of Labor for an asbestos handlers certificate specific to the asbestos activities they intend to conduct.



EEA Asbestos Training Program Resources


Local, State & Federal Forms, Guidance & Regulations

Here’s where you'll find all the applications, forms, guidelines and regulations you’ll ever need to obtain and maintain your asbestos safety expertise. Take a look and let us know if there’s something you need that we can add.  We’re your environmental resource!


Other Useful Asbestos resources

Check out these other interesting and useful resources and EEA's YouTube page!